From the Desk of Troy Garland:
I hope you all had a safe and happy holiday season. BAC Local 3 accomplished many things in 2022, including the purchase of our building in Sacramento. Tile was recently installed in our main hall and staff offices are now complete. We are planning to have our grand opening in May for our General Meeting. We also successfully negotiated five Collective Bargaining Agreements, which included a retiree subsidy for our masonry trades. Since funding didn’t start until later in 2022, the subsidy will be paid out annually starting in December of 2023.
We will start off the new year with our 23rd Annual BAC Local 3 Sullivan-Kraw Crab Feed on January 28th in Vallejo. The Crab Feed is the sole funding source for our BAC Scholarship Fund. Last year we gave out over $35,000 in scholarships for BAC members and their families. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the other Building Trades Councils and Unions who continue to participate and helped raise money for our fund. We expect another year of great crab and an excellent raffle with prizes that include a big screen TV and a Traeger Grill. All BAC members should have their scholarship applications submitted from January 1, through February 15, 2023. I want to wish all this year’s scholarship recipients the best of luck in furthering their education.
Our BAC P.A.C.T. (Pickets-Actions-Community-Training) Program will continue again in 2023. This is a reward-based program for members who participate in BAC actions and attend meetings. The rules for 2023 will be sent out early this year. I want to thank all our members for continuing to participate in our organizing efforts by bannering or picketing. We also had members attend City Council meetings to fight for Project Labor Agreements and attend other events to support working men and women. I look forward to BAC members and the Building Trades being engaged and active in 2023. The strength of the labor movement comes from rank-and-file members. Happy New Year!